In this chapter, we can learn how to convert JSON data into CSV data and export data as a CSV file there are many ways to do that but I will teach you a simple and clean way to export your JSON data into CSV.
Follow the below steps to convert a JSON file into a CSV file:
Step 1
Install csv-writer
npm install csv-writer
// Import csv-writer
import csvwriter from 'csv-writer'
var createCsvWriter = csvwriter.createObjectCsvWriter
// Passing the column names intp the module
const csvWriter = createCsvWriter({
path: 'data.csv',
header: [
// Title of the columns (column_names)
{id: 'id', title: 'ID'},
{id: 'name', title: 'NAME'},
{id: 'age', title: 'AGE'},
// Values for each column through an array
const results = [
id: '10',
name: 'Rathorji',
age: 30
}, {
id: '20',
name: 'Jhon',
age: 21
}, {
id: '30',
name: 'Crytina',
age: 20
id: '40',
name: 'Varun',
age: 40
// add data to Writerecords
.then(()=> console.log('Data uploaded into csv successfully'));
Let’s run your application using the following command
node code.js
Thanks, May this example will help you.