Effective date: 2022-07-13
1. Introduction
Welcome to rathorji.
by visiting rathorji.in as rathorji you are agree to our Return & Refund Policy, rathorji is the individual entity in India state of Madhya Pradesh and provides the online programming courses
2. How many days customers have to ask for a refund?
7 days
3. refund on Spamming and inligal software and cources
there is no refund if you do spamming and asking for harmful software. there is no support from rathorji on harmful software
4. Conditions that must be met to issue a refund?
Rathorji provide software-based services and online programming courses you can take its paid and free courses
you can claim a refund if the product does not work or you are not happy with the services
5. Customers exchange a course?
yes you can get another software and cource
6.Where should customers send the product?
you can contact rathorji at support@rathorji.in within 7 days if service is not good
If you have any questions about this refund Policy, please contact us by email: support@rathorji.in.