Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) libraries simplify the task of interacting with databases in Go programming. These libraries map database tables to Go structs and enable developers to query and manipulate data in a database using familiar Go syntax.

In this tutorial, we will explore the process of building an ORM library with Go programming. We will start by discussing the fundamentals of ORM and then delve into the steps involved in building an ORM library.

Understanding ORM

ORM is a technique used in software development that enables developers to work with databases using an object-oriented programming approach. ORM libraries allow developers to work with databases using objects, classes, and methods instead of raw SQL statements. With ORM, developers can map database tables to objects, perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on these objects, and execute complex queries on the database.

Building an ORM Library with Go Programming

Building an ORM library with Go programming involves several steps. These steps include:

Step 1: Defining the data model

The first step in building an ORM library is to define the data model. The data model describes the structure of the data that the ORM library will interact with. In Go programming, the data model is defined using structs.

Step 2: Mapping the data model to the database schema

The next step is to map the data model to the database schema. This involves defining the table schema and mapping the table columns to the struct fields.

Step 3: Implementing the CRUD operations

Once the data model is mapped to the database schema, the next step is to implement the CRUD operations. This involves creating functions that can perform create, read, update, and delete operations on the database.

Step 4: Implementing queries

After implementing the CRUD operations, the next step is to implement queries. Queries enable developers to retrieve data from the database using complex criteria.

Step 5: Creating a user-friendly API

Finally, the last step is to create a user-friendly API. This involves creating functions that developers can use to interact with the ORM library.


ORM libraries simplify the task of interacting with databases in Go programming. In this tutorial, we have discussed the process of building an ORM library with Go programming. We have discussed the fundamentals of ORM, the steps involved in building an ORM library, and the importance of creating a user-friendly API. By following these steps, you can build a powerful ORM library that can help you interact with databases in Go programming.