Content Management Systems (CMS) are becoming more popular in today's digital world as businesses and individuals seek to easily manage and update their websites. With the increasing popularity of Go Programming and the WordPress API, it is possible to build a CMS that is both robust and flexible. In this tutorial, we will explore how to build a CMS using Go Programming and the WordPress API.

Step 1: Setting up the environment

To get started, you need to set up your development environment. This involves installing the Go Programming language and WordPress. Once you have installed these two prerequisites, you need to create a new project directory. This directory will hold all the files and code for your CMS.

Step 2: Connecting to WordPress API

The next step is to connect your Go application to the WordPress API. This is done by using the "net/http" package and the WordPress API's URL endpoint. You will also need to create a struct to hold your API response data.

Step 3: Creating Models and Structs

To create your CMS, you need to define the data structures for your application. This includes creating models and structs for users, posts, pages, comments, and any other data types that you need for your CMS. You will also need to create methods to interact with these data structures.

Step 4: Handling HTTP requests

Now that you have set up your data structures and connected to the WordPress API, you need to handle HTTP requests from your users. This involves defining the routes for your application and handling requests for creating, reading, updating, and deleting data from your CMS.

Step 5: Creating User Authentication

User authentication is a crucial aspect of any CMS. You need to ensure that only authorized users can access and update the content on your website. To create user authentication, you will need to use the "bcrypt" package to hash and compare passwords.

Step 6: Implementing Front-end functionality

The final step is to implement the front-end functionality for your CMS. This includes creating templates for your pages, posts, and comments, as well as adding the necessary CSS and JavaScript to your site. You will also need to create a user interface that allows users to easily manage their content.


Building a CMS with Go Programming and the WordPress API is a challenging but rewarding task. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you will be able to create a powerful and flexible CMS that can be customized to meet the needs of any website. Remember to test your code thoroughly and keep your application secure by implementing best practices for user authentication and data protection.