Go is a popular programming language that was created at Google in 2007. One of the unique features of Go is its built-in support for concurrency. Concurrency is the ability of a program to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. In Go, channels are a powerful mechanism for managing concurrent communication between goroutines.

In this tutorial, we will explore Go programming channels and learn how to use them to write concurrent programs.

What are Channels?

A channel is a typed conduit through which you can send and receive values with the channel operator, <-. The data is transmitted asynchronously, meaning that a sender can send data to a channel without waiting for the receiver to receive it, and vice versa.

In Go, channels are first-class citizens, meaning that they can be passed as arguments to functions and returned as values. They are also thread-safe, so multiple goroutines can send and receive values simultaneously without causing conflicts.

Creating a Channel

To create a channel in Go, you use the make function with the channel keyword and a data type. For example, to create a channel that can transmit integers, you would use the following code:

ch := make(chan int)

This creates a channel of type chan int and assigns it to the variable ch.

Sending and Receiving Values

To send a value to a channel, you use the <- operator with the channel variable and the value you want to send. For example:

ch <- 42

This sends the integer value 42 to the channel ch.

To receive a value from a channel, you also use the <- operator, but with the channel variable on the right-hand side of the operator. For example:

x := <- ch

This receives a value from the channel ch and assigns it to the variable x.

Note that sending and receiving from a channel will block the goroutine until a corresponding sender or receiver is available.

Closing a Channel

A channel can be closed using the built-in close function. Once a channel is closed, it cannot be reopened, and any further send operations will panic.

To close a channel, you simply call the close function with the channel variable. For example:


This closes the channel ch.

Iterating Over a Channel

You can use a for loop to iterate over the values in a channel until the channel is closed. To do this, you use the range keyword with the channel variable. For example:

for x := range ch {

This code will iterate over the values in the channel ch until it is closed, printing each value to the console.

Select Statement

A select statement is a powerful mechanism for handling multiple channels in a single goroutine. It allows you to wait for a value to be sent or received on any of the channels in the select statement.

To use a select statement, you create cases for each channel you want to monitor using the case keyword. The default case is used to handle situations where none of the other cases are ready.

For example, the following code waits for a value to be sent on either ch1 or ch2 and handles each case separately:

select {
case x := <- ch1:
    fmt.Println("Received value from ch1:", x)
case y := <- ch2:
    fmt.Println("Received value from ch2:", y)
    fmt.Println("No values received")

This code will wait for a value to be sent on either ch1 or ch2. If a value is received on ch1, it will be printed to the console along with the message "Received value from ch1". If a value is received on ch2, it will be printed to the console along with the message "Received value from ch2". If neither channel has a value ready, the default case will be executed, and the message "No values received" will be printed.

Buffered Channels

By default, channels in Go are unbuffered, which means that they can only transmit one value at a time. This can be limiting if you need to transmit a large number of values.

To create a buffered channel in Go, you can specify a buffer size when creating the channel using the second argument to the make function. For example, the following code creates a buffered channel that can hold up to 10 integer values:

ch := make(chan int, 10)

This creates a buffered channel of type chan int with a buffer size of 10.

When a buffered channel is full, any further send operations will block until a corresponding receive operation is available. When a buffered channel is empty, any further receive operations will block until a corresponding send operation is available.


Go programming channels are a powerful mechanism for managing concurrent communication between goroutines. They allow you to send and receive values asynchronously, and they are thread-safe, meaning that multiple goroutines can use them simultaneously without conflicts.

In this tutorial, we have explored the basics of Go programming channels, including how to create a channel, send and receive values, close a channel, iterate over a channel, use a select statement, and create a buffered channel.

With this knowledge, you can start writing concurrent programs in Go using channels to manage communication between goroutines.