In this example, you learn Codeigniter PayPal integration. I will show PayPal integration in Codeigniter step by step tutorial. In this post, we will provide PayPal payment gateway integration in Codeigniter source code.

In this example, I show simple PayPal integration in Codeigniter. We will explain PayPal integration on Codeigniter. I explain a simple way to integrate the PayPal payment gateway on the Codeigniter framework.

Step 1: Setup Paypal Payment Gateway Library

In this step we will set up a paypal payment gateway library in codeigniter. So let’s the following code:

Create Paypal_lib.php file in the application/libraries/ directory.



if (!defined('BASEPATH'))
    exit('No direct script access allowed');
 * Code Igniter
 * An open source application development framework for PHP 4.3.2 or newer
 * @package        CodeIgniter
 * @author        Rick Ellis
 * @copyright    Copyright (c) 2006, pMachine, Inc.
 * @license
 * @link
 * @since        Version 1.0
 * @filesource
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * PayPal_Lib Controller Class (Paypal IPN Class)
 * This CI library is based on the Paypal PHP class by Micah Carrick
 * See for the most recent version of this class
 * along with any applicable sample files and other documentaion.
 * This file provides a neat and simple method to interface with paypal and
 * The paypal Instant Payment Notification (IPN) interface.  This file is
 * NOT intended to make the paypal integration "plug 'n' play". It still
 * requires the developer (that should be you) to understand the paypal
 * process and know the variables you want/need to pass to paypal to
 * achieve what you want.  
 * This class handles the submission of an order to paypal as well as the
 * processing an Instant Payment Notification.
 * This class enables you to mark points and calculate the time difference
 * between them.  Memory consumption can also be displayed.
 * The class requires the use of the PayPal_Lib config file.
 * @package     CodeIgniter
 * @subpackage  Libraries
 * @category    Commerce
 * @author      Ran Aroussi <>
 * @copyright   Copyright (c) 2006,
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

class paypal_lib {

    var $last_error;            // holds the last error encountered
    var $ipn_log;                // bool: log IPN results to text file?
    var $ipn_log_file;            // filename of the IPN log
    var $ipn_response;            // holds the IPN response from paypal    
    var $ipn_data = array();    // array contains the POST values for IPN
    var $fields = array();        // array holds the fields to submit to paypal
    var $submit_btn = '';        // Image/Form button
    var $button_path = '';        // The path of the buttons
    var $CI;

    function __construct() {
        $this->CI = & get_instance();

        $sanbox = $this->CI->config->item('sandbox');
        $this->paypal_url = ($sanbox == TRUE) ? '' : '';

        $this->last_error = '';
        $this->ipn_response = '';

        $this->ipn_log_file = $this->CI->config->item('paypal_lib_ipn_log_file');
        $this->ipn_log = $this->CI->config->item('paypal_lib_ipn_log');

        $this->button_path = $this->CI->config->item('paypal_lib_button_path');

        // populate $fields array with a few default values.  See the paypal
        // documentation for a list of fields and their data types. These defaul
        // values can be overwritten by the calling script.
        $businessEmail = $this->CI->config->item('business');
        $this->add_field('business', $businessEmail);
        $this->add_field('rm', '2');              // Return method = POST
        $this->add_field('cmd', '_xclick');

        $this->add_field('currency_code', $this->CI->config->item('paypal_lib_currency_code'));
        $this->add_field('quantity', '1');
        $this->button('Pay Now!');

    function button($value) {
        // changes the default caption of the submit button
        $this->submit_btn = form_submit('pp_submit', $value);

    function image($file) {
        $this->submit_btn = '<input type="image" name="add" src="' . site_url($this->button_path . '/' . $file) . '" border="0" />';

    function add_field($field, $value) {
        // adds a key=>value pair to the fields array, which is what will be 
        // sent to paypal as POST variables.  If the value is already in the 
        // array, it will be overwritten.
        $this->fields[$field] = $value;

    function paypal_auto_form() {
        // this function actually generates an entire HTML page consisting of
        // a form with hidden elements which is submitted to paypal via the 
        // BODY element's onLoad attribute.  We do this so that you can validate
        // any POST vars from you custom form before submitting to paypal.  So 
        // basically, you'll have your own form which is submitted to your script
        // to validate the data, which in turn calls this function to create
        // another hidden form and submit to paypal.

        $this->button('Click here if you\'re not automatically redirected...');

        echo '<html>' . "\n";
        echo '<head><title>Processing Payment...</title></head>' . "\n";
        echo '<body style="text-align:center;" onLoad="document.forms[\'paypal_auto_form\'].submit();">' . "\n";
        echo '<p style="text-align:center;">Please wait, your order is being processed and you will be redirected to the paypal website.</p>' . "\n";
        echo $this->paypal_form('paypal_auto_form');
        echo '</body></html>';

    function paypal_form($form_name = 'paypal_form') {
        $str = '';
        $str .= '<form method="post" action="' . $this->paypal_url . '" name="' . $form_name . '"/>' . "\n";
        foreach ($this->fields as $name => $value)
            $str .= form_hidden($name, $value) . "\n";
        $str .= '<p>' . $this->submit_btn . '</p>';
        $str .= form_close() . "\n";

        return $str;

    function validate_ipn() {
        // parse the paypal URL
        $url_parsed = parse_url($this->paypal_url);

        // generate the post string from the _POST vars aswell as load the
        // _POST vars into an arry so we can play with them from the calling
        // script.
        $post_string = '';
        if ($this->CI->input->post()) {
            foreach ($this->CI->input->post() as $field => $value) {
                $this->ipn_data[$field] = $value;
                $post_string .= $field . '=' . urlencode(stripslashes($value)) . '&';

        $post_string.="cmd=_notify-validate"; // append ipn command
        // open the connection to paypal
        $fp = fsockopen($url_parsed['host'], "80", $err_num, $err_str, 30);
        if (!$fp) {
            // could not open the connection.  If loggin is on, the error message
            // will be in the log.
            $this->last_error = "fsockopen error no. $errnum: $errstr";
            return false;
        } else {
            // Post the data back to paypal
            fputs($fp, "POST $url_parsed[path] HTTP/1.1\r\n");
            fputs($fp, "Host: $url_parsed[host]\r\n");
            fputs($fp, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n");
            fputs($fp, "Content-length: " . strlen($post_string) . "\r\n");
            fputs($fp, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
            fputs($fp, $post_string . "\r\n\r\n");

            // loop through the response from the server and append to variable
            while (!feof($fp))
                $this->ipn_response .= fgets($fp, 1024);

            fclose($fp); // close connection

        if (preg_match("/VERIFIED/", $this->ipn_response)) {
            // Valid IPN transaction.
            return true;
        } else {
            // Invalid IPN transaction.  Check the log for details.
            $this->last_error = 'IPN Validation Failed.';
            return false;

    function log_ipn_results($success) {
        if (!$this->ipn_log)
            return;  // is logging turned off?
        // Timestamp
        $text = '[' . date('m/d/Y g:i A') . '] - ';

        // Success or failure being logged?
        if ($success)
            $text .= "SUCCESS!\n";
            $text .= 'FAIL: ' . $this->last_error . "\n";

        // Log the POST variables
        $text .= "IPN POST Vars from Paypal:\n";
        foreach ($this->ipn_data as $key => $value)
            $text .= "$key=$value, ";

        // Log the response from the paypal server
        $text .= "\nIPN Response from Paypal Server:\n " . $this->ipn_response;

        // Write to log
        $fp = fopen($this->ipn_log_file, 'a');
        fwrite($fp, $text . "\n\n");

        fclose($fp);  // close file

    function dump() {
        // Used for debugging, this function will output all the field/value pairs
        // that are currently defined in the instance of the class using the
        // add_field() function.

        echo '<h2>ppal->dump() Output:</h2>' . "\n";
        echo '<code style="font: 12px Monaco, \'Courier New\', Verdana, Sans-serif;  background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px solid #D0D0D0; color: #002166; display: block; margin: 14px 0; padding: 12px 10px;">' . "\n";
        foreach ($this->fields as $key => $value)
            echo '<strong>' . $key . '</strong>:    ' . urldecode($value) . '<br/>';
        echo "</code>\n";

    function curlPost($paypalurl, $paypalreturnarr) {

        $req = 'cmd=_notify-validate';
        foreach ($paypalreturnarr as $key => $value) {
            $value = urlencode(stripslashes($value));
            $req .= "&$key=$value";

        $ipnsiteurl = $paypalurl;
        $ch = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $ipnsiteurl);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $req);
        $result = curl_exec($ch);

        return $result;


Create paypallib_config.php file in the application/config/ directory.


<?php  if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Paypal IPN Class
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Use PayPal on Sandbox or Live
$config['sandbox'] = TRUE; // FALSE for live environment

// PayPal Business Email ID
$config['business'] = 'InsertPayPalBusinessEmail';

// If (and where) to log ipn to file
$config['paypal_lib_ipn_log_file'] = BASEPATH . 'logs/paypal_ipn.log';
$config['paypal_lib_ipn_log'] = TRUE;

// Where are the buttons located at 
$config['paypal_lib_button_path'] = 'buttons';

// What is the default currency?
$config['paypal_lib_currency_code'] = 'USD';


Step 2 : Create Database Tables

products table

CREATE TABLE `products` (
 `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
 `image` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
 `price` float(10,2) NOT NULL,
 `status` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci

payments table

CREATE TABLE `payments` (
 `payment_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
 `user_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
 `product_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
 `txn_id` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
 `payment_gross` float(10,2) NOT NULL,
 `currency_code` varchar(5) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
 `payer_email` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
 `payment_status` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
 PRIMARY KEY (`payment_id`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

Step 3 : Create New Controller


<?php defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Products extends CI_Controller
    function  __construct()
    function index()
        $data = array();
        //get products inforamtion from database table
        $data['products'] = $this->product->getRows();
        //loav view and pass the products information to view
        $this->load->view('products/index', $data);
    function buyProduct($id)
        //Set variables for paypal form
        $returnURL = base_url() . 'products/success'; //payment success url
        $cancelURL = base_url() . 'products/cancel'; //payment cancel url
        $notifyURL = base_url() . 'products/ipn'; //ipn url
        //get particular product data
        $product = $this->product->getRows($id);
        $userID = 1; //current user id
        $logo = base_url() . 'Your_logo_url';
        $this->paypal_lib->add_field('return', $returnURL);
        $this->paypal_lib->add_field('cancel_return', $cancelURL);
        $this->paypal_lib->add_field('notify_url', $notifyURL);
        $this->paypal_lib->add_field('item_name', $product['name']);
        $this->paypal_lib->add_field('custom', $userID);
        $this->paypal_lib->add_field('item_number',  $product['id']);
        $this->paypal_lib->add_field('amount',  $product['price']);
    function success()
        //get the transaction data
        $paypalInfo = $this->input->post();
        $data['user_id'] = $paypalInfo['custom'];
        $data['product_id']    = $paypalInfo["item_number"];
        $data['txn_id']    = $paypalInfo["txn_id"];
        $data['payment_gross'] = $paypalInfo["mc_gross"];
        $data['currency_code'] = $paypalInfo["mc_currency"];
        $data['payer_email'] = $paypalInfo["payer_email"];
        $data['payment_status']    = $paypalInfo["payment_status"];

        //pass the transaction data to view
        $this->load->view('paypal/success', $data);
    function cancel()
        //if transaction cancelled
    function ipn()
        //paypal return transaction details array
        $paypalInfo    = $this->input->post();
        $data['user_id'] = $paypalInfo['custom'];
        $data['product_id']    = $paypalInfo["item_number"];
        $data['txn_id']    = $paypalInfo["txn_id"];
        $data['payment_gross'] = $paypalInfo["mc_gross"];
        $data['currency_code'] = $paypalInfo["mc_currency"];
        $data['payer_email'] = $paypalInfo["payer_email"];
        $data['payment_status']    = $paypalInfo["payment_status"];
        $paypalURL = $this->paypal_lib->paypal_url;
        $result    = $this->paypal_lib->curlPost($paypalURL, $paypalInfo);
        //check whether the payment is verified
        if (preg_match("/VERIFIED/i", $result)) {
            //insert the transaction data into the database

Step 4 : Create Paypal Model


<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Product extends CI_Model
    public function __construct()
    //get and return product rows
    public function getRows($id = '')
        if ($id) {
            $this->db->where('id', $id);
            $query = $this->db->get();
            $result = $query->row_array();
        } else {
            $this->db->order_by('name', 'asc');
            $query = $this->db->get();
            $result = $query->result_array();
        return !empty($result) ? $result : false;
    //insert transaction data
    public function storeTransaction($data = array())
        $insert = $this->db->insert('payments', $data);
        return $insert ? true : false;

Step 5 : Create View


<!DOCTYPE html>

        <title>Paypal Payment Gateway In Codeigniter</title>
        <!-- Latest CSS -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        <script src=""></script>

        <div class="container">
            <h2 class="mt-3 mb-3">Products</h2>
            <div class="row">
                <?php if (!empty($products)) : foreach ($products as $product) : ?>
                        <div class="thumbnail">
                            <img src="<?php echo base_url() . 'assets/images/' . $product['image']; ?>" alt="">
                            <div class="caption">
                                <h4 class="pull-right">$<?php echo $product['price']; ?> USD</h4>
                                <h4><a href="javascript:void(0);"><?php echo $product['name']; ?></a></h4>
                            <a href="<?php echo base_url() . 'products/buyProduct/' . $product['id']; ?>"><img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>assets/images/buy-button" style="width: 70px;"></a>
                    <?php endforeach;



<!DOCTYPE html>

        <title>Transaction Success - Paypal Payment Gateway Codeigniter</title>
        <!-- Latest CSS -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        <script src=""></script>

        <div class="container">
            <h2 class="mt-3 mb-3">Transaction Detalis</h2>
            <div class="row">
                <span>Your payment was successful done, thank you for purchase.</span><br />
                <span>Item Number :
                    <strong><?php echo $product_id; ?></strong>
                </span><br />
                <span>TXN ID :
                    <strong><?php echo $txn_id; ?></strong>
                </span><br />
                <span>Amount Paid :
                    <strong>$<?php echo $payment_gross . ' ' . $currency_code; ?></strong>
                </span><br />
                <span>Payment Status :
                    <strong><?php echo $payment_status; ?></strong>
                </span><br />



<!DOCTYPE html>

        <title>Transaction Fail - Paypal Payment Gateway Codeigniter</title>
        <!-- Latest CSS -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        <script src=""></script>

        <div class="container">
            <h2 class="mt-3 mb-3">Transaction Detalis</h2>
            <div class="row">
                <p>Sorry! Your last transaction was cancelled.</p>


Note:- Paypal Payment Gateway Live

If your test PayPal transaction is worked properly using the PayPal sandbox account. You want to make it live your PayPal payment gateway.

do a setting for live mode in application/config/paypallib_config.php

$config['sandbox'] = FALSE;
$config['business'] = '';
