We will learn how to create pdf file from html view using dompdf library in Codeigniter 3 application.

Step 1: 

Download Fresh Codeigniter 3: Download Codeigniter 3

Step 2: 

Installation & Setup

1) Pdf.php: we have to download Pdf.php file from GitHub, So first let's download from here : Click here to Download After download successfully we have to copy to"application/libraries/Pdf.php" file.

2) Dompdf: we have to download dompdf library from GitHub, So first let's download from here : Click here to Download After download extract it to your "application/libraries" folder and rename it to "dompdf".

3) php-font-lib: Ok, now Download php-font-lib from GitHub, So first let's download from here : Click here to Download After download extract it to "application/libraries/dompdf/lib/php-font-lib/classes" folder. So you have all php font library it on classes folder.

Step 3: 

Add Route application/config/routes.php

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

$route['default_controller'] = 'welcome';
$route['404_override'] = '';
$route['translate_uri_dashes'] = FALSE;
$route['mypdf'] = "welcome/mypdf";

Step 4: 

Add Controller Method application/controllers/Welcome.php

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Welcome extends CI_Controller {

    * Get All Data from this method.
    * @return Response
   public function index()

    * Get Download PDF File
    * @return Response
   function mypdf(){




Step 5: 

Add View File application/views/mypdf.php

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<title>Codeigniter 3 - Generate PDF from view using dompdf library with example</title>

<h1>Codeigniter 3 - Generate PDF from view using dompdf library with example</h1>
<table style="border:1px solid red;width:100%;">
		<th style="border:1px solid red">Id</th>
		<th style="border:1px solid red">Name</th>
		<th style="border:1px solid red">Email</th>
		<td style="border:1px solid red">1</td>
		<td style="border:1px solid red">Hardik</td>
		<td style="border:1px solid red">hardik@gmail.com</td>
		<td style="border:1px solid red">2</td>
		<td style="border:1px solid red">Paresh</td>
		<td style="border:1px solid red">paresh@gmail.com</td>


Now you can run this example