This is the basic Dart introduction part dart why we use it and the importance of Dart programming. Dart helps to build quality apps with Flutter Framework.

Flutter Framework
Flutter is an open source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase.
- Dart is a well-known language nowadays,
- Most popular in 2024.
- Dart is the 16th most popular programming language on this list.
- Dart is used in almost every product group at Google
Why is Dart popular?
The popular Flutter toolkit is powered by the Dart language, runtimes, tooling, and libraries. Over one million Flutter apps for Android, iOS, the web, and other targets, are all Dart-based.
- The Google Play Console lets app publishers market Android apps and is written completely in Dart.
- The Google Ads team continues to grow, with hundreds of SWEs primarily writing Dart code.
- The Google Assistant team uses Flutter and Dart to drive the overall system UI of their Smart Displays.
Should Learn Dart?
- Free and open source.
- To be comfortable in a flutter.
- To develop multi-platform apps for Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.
- Fastest growing programming language.
- It has a rich set of libraries and tools.
- Huge community support.
Can I learn Dart as my first programming language?
Yes, but please find other people who use or are learning Dart so that you can talk to them about your learning experience and learn from theirs as well.
Do I have to learn Dart before starting to learn Flutter?
No. Dart is easy and purposefully similar to java/JS/c#. If you know one of these, you won't be lost here. As for flutter's widgets, it's quite similar to React but easier.
How much time does to Become Dart Skilled coder?
Learning programming takes 2-3 months. You can catch up in a few weeks if you know another programming language Java, c#, javascript, PHP, etc. Skilled coder: It may take six months to a year to become a skilled coder in your chosen languages.