Arrays are combined variables that allow us to store more than one value or a group of values

Indexed Arrays

Define an array

defines an array and each element value in the array is stored in the numeric index.

// Define an array
$colors = array("Red", "Green", "Blue");

 Numeric indexes are assigned automatically


    [0] => Red
    [1] => Green
    [2] => Blue

You can assign Indexes manually

$colors[5] = "Red"; 
$colors[1] = "Green"; 
$colors[10] = "Blue"; 

Array types in PHP

There are three types of arrays that you can create.

  1. Indexed array - An array with a numeric key.
  2. Associative array: an array where each key has its own specific value.
  3. Multidimensional Array: An array that contains one or more arrays within itself.

Associative array

In an associative array, the keys assigned to the values can be arbitrary, user-defined strings.


// Define an associative array
$ages = array("Syam"=>22, "Clark"=>32, "John"=>28);

Multidimensional Arrays

The multidimensional array is an array in which each element can also be an array and each element in the sub-array can be an array or additionally contain an array within itself, etc.



// Define a multidimensional array
$contacts = array(
        "name" => "Rathorji",
        "email" => "",
        "name" => "Rakesh",
      "email" => "",
        "name" => "Jhon",
       "email" => "",
// Access nested value
echo "Peter Rathorji's Email-id is: " . $contacts[0]["email"];

Viewing Array Structure and Values

You can see the structure and values of an array by using one of two statements — var_dump() or print_r(). The print_r() statement, however, gives somewhat less information.


// Define array
$cities = array("India", "Nigeria", "England");

// Display the countries array